Speakers |

Vintage Special Design Alnico Series |

Vintage Special Design Ceramic Series |
P8R: 8 inch 25W, excellent for all
small single speaker vintage combos such as the Fender Champ, Silvertone,
and Supro
4 ohm |
8 ohm |
C8R: 8 inch 25W, great workhorse
speaker for Fender Champ and other vintage low wattage combos
4 ohm |
8 ohm |
P10R: 10 inch 25W, look in just
about any fine vintage combo and this is what you'll see- classic tone for
classic tube amps
4 ohm |
8 ohm |
16 ohm |
C10R: 10 inch 25W, an excellent
replacement for those 4X10 cabs and combos. Great for lead guitar
P10Q: 10 inch 35W, good power
handling, heavenly tone...
8 ohm |
16 ohm |
C10Q: 10 inch 35W, One of
Jensen's most popular speakers. Classic tone, to the bone
8 ohm |
16 ohm |
P12R: 12 inch 25W, this is THE
speaker for low-wattage 12 inch combos
8 ohm |
16 ohm |
C12Q: 12 inch 35W, the perfect
choice for many medium-powered combos
8 ohm |
16 ohm |
P12Q: 12 inch 35W, searching for
tweed tone? Look no further...
8 ohm |
16 ohm |
C12N: 12 inch 50W, This speaker
was stock in more classic 60's amps than any other, for good reason- great
tone and reliability
4 ohm |
8 ohm |
16 ohm |
P12N: 12 inch 50W,
the real deal. Bell magnet covers available for that true vintage look.
8 ohm |
16 ohm |
C12K: 12 inch 100W, high wattage
speaker with much mids and great highs
8 ohm |
16 ohm |
P15N: 15 inch 50W, the mother of
all *big* sounding guitar speakers
4 ohm |
8 ohm |
16 ohm |
C15N: 15 inch 50W, smooth highs
and deep lows
4 ohm |
8 ohm |
16 ohm |
C15K: 15 inch 100W, great for
heavy overdriven guitar and Leslie speaker cabinets
8 ohm |
16 ohm |